The Lights and Sounds of the Big City
Mindset is important in every situation that you're in. Controlling your feelings and emotions in tough situations is how you maximize any opportunity. While I was in New York I stayed at a hotel in Times Square. When I walked outside the roaring sounds of cars and people was so deafening that I couldn’t even hear myself think. The lights were shining in my eyes at night and it was very overwhelming as many people surrounded me. They weren’t all safe people, so I had to make sure I was aware and on high alert. When you add in the cars speeding past in the streets when the light is red, it was a lot to be aware of. I dealt with it by thinking of the positives of the trip. I would think "This is an experience and I am discovering different parts of the world and how they operate." Keeping the positives in the front of my mind help me deal with these anxiety feelings. I did freak out sometimes, but I just had to calm down and I realized it is not too big of a deal as I am only walking for about 10 minutes. I dealt with it, but sometimes I did have some struggles in the end. My parents tell me it's ok to struggle from time to time, but it's how you deal with it that matters the most. I dealt with it through calming myself down and staying positive, because I did have a lot of fun!
Balancing what's important, even when it's hard

Have you ever struggled with balancing something you know you needed to do with something you really wanted to do? Even when you pick the "right thing" it can cause anxiety and stress. Protecting your mental health is also important in these decisions. While I was in New York I had a soccer game at the same time back at home that weekend. I was traveling to New York for my sister’s graduation, so of course I would have to miss my 2 scrimmages, but that was challenging for me. We hadn’t had a game in awhile since we are in the offseason. I really wanted to go to those games, especially since some people were missing which means I would get more playing time. We were also playing one of the best teams we'll play all year, so I wanted to see how I would do against them. I really really wanted to play, but I realized that I need to take a break sometimes. My whole life revolves around school and soccer. You have to take a mental break from the things you love, so you don’t overwork yourself. Your mental health is as important as your physical health. You have to take time off for yourself even if you are a kid. You have to also put things in perspective about what's the most important thing at that moment in time. My sister's graduation and vacation with my family was what needed me, and frankly, what I needed. People don’t realize that some kids actually do WORK as they are at school for 8 hours, throw in after school activities and homework and it can be overwhelming. Yes we still have it easier than working a full time job and then trying to support a family, because we are kids, but we are also smaller, so it has the same amount of impact on us. So sometimes it is good to take a break.

On Broadway...and so much more!!

This week in New York I discovered many famous places. I saw Central Park, The Museum of Natural History, Times Square, and Broadway. The Museum was so cool. I didn't know that it had that many activities and exhibits in there. My parents struggled to wake me up that morning because we hung out so late the nights before, but I'm glad I woke up to see it.

On Broadway, I went to see two amazing plays. One was "MJ, The Musical" which was astonishing. The actor sounded just like Micheal Jackson and his dancing was amazing. It was really good artwork about how he created his masterpieces. It dove deep into the challenges he had, and you realize even someone as great has him struggled to reach their dreams. I would tell you more, but no spoilers!

Now Harry Potter was a different kind of breathtaking play. The special effects were amazing. Dementors flew over us and things floated but you couldn’t see any strings! There were so many awesome special effects throughout the whole thing making it the masterpiece it is.

My Sister's Big Day!

My sisters graduation was a great thing to witness but was very long. It was hard for me to sit still and listen to it, but it was nice just seeing how much these graduates put into college. They put so much work into their majors and it was so exciting to see them accomplish it with their loved ones their with them. It was very moving to see how much work not only they put in, but their professors put in these last 4 years, and for the professors, their career there. My sister bugs me, like a lot, but I have to say, I was so proud of her. She graduated with honors and put in so much hard work as a student athlete to accomplish the goal of being the 1st in our immediate family to graduate with a 4 year degree. I am working to be a student athlete as well, so she's a good role model to how to get there. My big sister showed that if you stay focused and work hard, you can accomplish amazing things. What a lesson to learn, and I appreciated the experience, even though I did get a little bored.
This was my experience in New York. I am happy I was able to share it with you.